Imperfect child

I’m not your perfect child
But I know it now
I wish you were here now
The strong grasp of your hand and the true intention that you had still works through me.
I will carry them with me wherever I go or not go but I know you are always with me.
So as your imperfect child I will carry on living so called life.
Just to be me.

Forever Yours

I was born to be happy and free
I was supposed to just be

Yet the world kept showing me that I was wrong
I came to you through the sun and a sky
I came to you through little child’s eyes
I even came to you with your trash piles
When will you listen to me?
Oh the pain can’t touch me
And hate doesn’t abide in me
I’m free
When will you be?
Do you you know how important you are to me!
I came to you with blue and green eyes
I even came to you as a cloud
I even came to you as a whisper in a crowd
When will you listen to me?


I have thought about this subject lately. What is that I really value.

I think that I value beauty and strength and calmness.

I don’t value money because it is forever changing subject. So I will try to give examples of what people around me experienced with this concept.

My grandfather was so called ” hard worker” and he saved a lot of money for whatever. Then we had extreme change in so called politics and all his savings were exchanged into less than 10 percent of what he had saved up.

Money can save you and it can also become worthless overnight.

Children experience it differently. They go for the things that they like and don’t understand money behind it.

So when I was little my grandma gave me some old brouch. It was a bird and colorful, worthless and I liked it. Me and my friend were playing one night an I was putting my toys away after that and that bird was missing. Someone from my family went to his parents house and found it there and that’s how a myth of steeling came in.

Children don’t understand steeling. They just take what they like and don’t think there’s something wrong with it. But after this we were not allowed to play together even though I only wanted my bird back and didn’t feel angry that he took it.

The I’m sorry

So everyone is so sorry for even walking or breathing for most part. Oh my I’m taking up too much space where the tree could grow. Are you happy with that idea?

Does it feel normal to you? Do you think you are less than a tree? Oak trees will outlive most humans. Is it because they are better than you?

I like trees and wild life but they are nothing like human who can imagine new things but of course they are more at peace because they keep repeating the same pattern.

Do you want to submit to those patterns of stupid human thinking or do you want to dismantle them?

wars and rumors of wars

Someone else said or wrote this but it’s true.

A war is extreme act of violence and it can make a lot of people from everywhere sort of feel bad for people there.

but please focus on the good and the nice and the beautiful and the helpful.

Truth is in peace and comfort and beauty.

p.s. I live in a country that’s taking all war refugees.

Routine things

Because I have a job like most beings do, I became so trapped in the routine that I forgot to write my thoughts down.

So then I fell down and damagedy foot a little and here I’m wishing that this accident never happened.

But it is very funny because I still keep a weekly alarm on my phone because I don’t want to have it not work when I come back to work but I really don’t want to go back to work. 🙄


Some people worry that the economy will go down but it can never go down because energy can not be destroyed. And if we are speaking about human energy and imagination – it’s fantastic, and powerful, and unlimited.

You can put something in the river or a creek trying to stop the main flow and it will just flow around it.. And humans are way better than that. We are unlimited in our ideas. We are endless river of inventions.

Just some thoughts.

Are you scared yet

I must admit that I underestimated this latest virus thing. We had so many and they always start the same. Basically some stupid, discusting people somewhere in Africa or Asia eat bats and other creatures and stuff like that.

And now it’s gonna kill us all so we are all in the same boat. By the way those weird and discusting people have been making stuff for us.

And we have been buying stuff from them. And we are still buying stuff from them.

Funny logic indeed.

Breaking a wave of reality

I promise it’s not some kind of woo doo BS. But a long time ago I picked up a book from a public library where I lived and it started by telling the readers that the scientists have transferred an electron across some Austrian river.
The rest of the book was like a textbook for the general public on quantum mechanics. It had pictures of double-slit experiments and the whole stupid dead-alive cat thing. It was fantastic. I had to read one page three times and sometimes had to come back to it over and over again.
That was a book I read about 8 years ago and I’m not sure when the author claimed that the electron was transferred. I forgot. But not too long ago I saw a headline that the electron was transferred using quantum mechanical principles for the first time. That would mean that I was reading a lie back then or they are lying now.
Why is it important? For many reasons. People have been making money on selling an idea that you and I create our reality, which is true. This room I’m writing from will not become clean unless I clean it.
There’s something more to reality though. There’s a component of consciousness which makes it all come together and make it good, I think.